Making of A Label
(aka: The Stone 8th Anniversary Ale "cheat sheet")

logophobia n.
Definition: Fear of words

submitted by
Webmaster Mike
Art Director

floccinaucinihilipilification n.
Definition: an act or instance of judging something to be worthless or trivial
Etymology: the parts of the word each mean 'at nothing' or 'with a small price'

submitted by
Webmaster Mike
Art Director

sciolistic adj.
Definition: a superficial show of learning
Etymology: Late Latin sciolus
smatterer, from diminutive of Latin scius knowing, from scire to know

mercilessly inserted by
Greg Koch
Chairman & CEO

procrustean adj.
Definition: 1. of, relating to, or typical of Procrustes; 2. marked by arbitrary often ruthless disregard of individual differences or special circumstances
mercilessly inserted by
Greg Koch
Chairman & CEO

cognoscente n.
Definition: a person who is especially knowledgeable in a subject
submitted by
Carol Zazueta
Distribution Supervisor

tutelary adj.
Definition: 1. having the guardianship of a person or a thing (a tutelary goddess); 2. of or relating to a guardian
submitted by
Carol Zazueta
Distribution Supervisor

predilection n.
Definition: an established preference for something
Etymology: French
prédilection, from Medieval Latin praediligere to love more, prefer, from Latin prae- + diligere to love

mercilessly inserted by
Greg Koch
Chairman & CEO

corpus callosum n.
Definition: the great band of commissural fibers uniting the cerebral hemispheres of higher mammals including humans
submitted by
Tom Garcia

grok v.
Definition: To understand something intuitively or by empathy
submitted by
Benjamin Lee
Production Coordinator

delineation v.
Definition: 1a. to indicate or represent by drawn or painted lines 1b. to mark the outline of (lights delineating the narrow streets); 2. to describe, portray, or set forth with accuracy or in detail (delineate a character in the story)(delineate the steps to be taken by the government)
submitted by
Thomas Modifica

finical adj.
Definition: 1. extremely or excessively nice, exacting, or meticulous in taste or standards; 2. requiring much care, precision, or attentive effort (a finicky recipe)
submitted by
Andrea Minnier
Los Angeles and Orange County Off-Premise

malapert adj.
Definition: impudently bold, saucy
submitted by
Andrea Minnier
Los Angeles and Orange County Off-Premise

ossified v.
Definition: 1. to become hardened or conventional and opposed to change; 2. to make rigidly conventional and opposed to change
submitted by
Chris Cochran
Marketing & Promotions

sullenly adj.
Definition: 1a. gloomily or resentfully silent or repressed 1b. suggesting a sullen state (lowering); 2. dull or somber in sound or color; 3. dismal, gloomy
mercilessly inserted by
Greg Koch
Chairman & CEO

glower v.
Definition: to look or stare with sullen annoyance or anger
submitted by
Larry Hazen

umbra n.
Definition: 1. a shaded area; 2a. a conical shadow excluding all light from a given source; specifically : the conical part of the shadow of a celestial body excluding all light from the primary source 2b. the central dark part of a sunspot
submitted by
Larry Hazen

contumacioius adj.
Definition: stubbornly disobedient : rebellious
submitted by
Jake Ratzke
Distribution Supervisor

superfluous adj.
Definition: 1a. exceeding what is sufficient or necessary : extra 1b. not needed, unnnecessary; 2. obsolete, marked by wastefulness, extravagant
submitted by
Chris Cochran
Marketing & Promotions

periphrastic adj.
Definition: 1. of, relating to, or characterized by periphrasis; 2. formed by the use of function words or auxiliaries instead of by inflection <more fair is a periphrastic comparative
mercilessly inserted by
Greg Koch
Chairman & CEO

verbosity n.
Definition: 1. containing more words than necessary, wordy (a verbose reply); also : impaired by wordiness (a verbose style); 2 : given to wordiness (a verbose orator)
submitted by
Jake Ratzke
Distribution Supervisor

felicitous adj.
Definition: 1. very well suited or expressed, apt (a felicitous remark); 2. pleasant, delightful
submitted by
Travis Rorrer

flocculation n.
Definition: to cause to aggregate into a flocculent mass (flocculate clay)
mercilessly inserted by
Greg Koch
Chairman & CEO

ostentation n.
Definition: excessive display, pretentiousness
submitted by
Travis Rorrer

sesquipedalian adj.
Definition: 1. having many syllables, long (sesquipedalian terms); 2. given to or characterized by the use of long words (a sesquipedalian television commentator)
mercilessly inserted by
Greg Koch
Chairman & CEO

periphrasis n.
Definition: 1. use of a longer phrasing in place of a possible shorter form of expression; 2. an instance of periphrasis
mercilessly inserted by
Greg Koch
Chairman & CEO

Lilliputian adj.
Definition: 1. of, relating to, or characteristic of the Lilliputians or the island of Lilliput; 2a. small, miniature 2b. petty
mercilessly inserted by
Greg Koch
Chairman & CEO

octonormous n.
Definition: eight times as big (8 Big Things)
submitted by

dopester n.
Definition: a forecaster of the outcome of future events (as sports contests or elections)
submitted by
John Egan
Lead Brewer

alectryomancy n.
Definition: An ancient divinatory for that utilized a cock. When practicing this divination a circle which was divided into as many parts as there were in the alphabet was drawn in a closed place. Then a wheat-corn was placed in each section beginning with the first letter, or A. Whoever placed the corn must recite a certain incantation while doing it. The time for this divination is when the sun or moon is in Aries or Leo.

The cock must be young and white. When his claws are cut off he is forced to swallow both of them together with a small roll of parchment made of lambskin upon which have been previously written words. Now the diviner holding the cock must repeat a certain incantation or conjuration. Next, when putting the cock with the circle, he must recite two verses of the Psalms, which are exactly the midmost of the seventy-two verses in the entry on Onimancy, and it should be noted on the authority of an ancient Rabbi that there is not anything within these seventy-two verses which is not of some use within Kabbalism.

mercilessly inserted by
Greg Koch
Chairman & CEO

concettism n.
Definition: the use of concetti or affected conceits
mercilessly inserted by
Greg Koch
Chairman & CEO

grammatolatry n.
Definition: worship of words or letters, or the letter
mercilessly inserted by
Greg Koch
Chairman & CEO

supercilious adj.
Definition: coolly and patronizingly haughty (reacted to their breach of etiquette with a supercilious smile)
submitted by
Carol Zazueta
Distribution Supervisor

discombobulation v.
Definition: upset, confuse (the offensive had discombobulated all the German defensive arrangements)
submitted by
Anna Robinson
Accounting Assistant

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