Business Name Neighborhood Phone #
BEVERAGE HOUSE Casa Grand 520-836-9088
AJ'S Fine Food Chandler 480-705-0197
LEE LEE MARKET Chandler 480-899-2887
CHANDLER LIQUOR Chandler 480-963-5100
SUZY Q Cottonwood 928-634-7901
SAFEWAY Flagstaff 928-779-3401
UPTOWN BILLIARDS Flagstaff 928-773-0551
DJ'S LIQUOR Mesa 480-464-8598
SUN DEVIL LIQUOR Mesa 480-834-5050
FRED'S LIQUOR STORE Page 928-645-3575
AJ'S Fine Food Phoenix 602-863-0594
AJ'S Fine Food Phoenix 602-230-7490
POSTINO WINEBAR Phoenix 602-852-3939
SPORTSMAN FINE WINE/SPT Phoenix 602-955-7730
CORK & BOTTLE Phoenix 602-275-1861
PRESCOTT WINEBAR Prescott 928-4451521
LIQUOR BARN Prescott Valley 928-772-9665
AJ'S Fine Food Scottsdale 480-391-9864
AJ'S Fine Food Scottsdale 480-563-5056
AJ'S Fine Food Scottsdale 480-998-0052
EPICUREAN WINE SERVICE Scottsdale 480-998-7800
PAPAGO BREWING Scottsdale 480-425-7439
PINNACLE PEAK GEN STORE Scottsdale 480-991-1822
JERRY'S DRIVE IN LIQUOR Tempe 480-966-8655
SUN STOP FOOD SHOP Tempe 480-968-7880
T'S LIQOUR Tempe 480-774-2569
TOPS LIQUOR Tempe 480-967-5643
WHOLE FOOD MARKET Tempe 480-456-1400
RURAL LIQUOR Tempe 480-345-9110
MILL AVE MOBIL Tempe 480-966-0609
VALLEY FAIR Tempe 480-967-2488
LIQUOR SQUIRE Tempe 480-967-3531
ALBERTSONS Tucson 520-312-1212
BEVERAGE HOUSE Tucson 520-219-6424
BEVERAGE HOUSE Tucson 520-296-9933
BEVERAGE HOUSE Tucson 520-323-6566
BREW & VINE Tucson 520-797-1550
MONTEREY LIQUORS Tucson 520-745-6006
PLAZA LIQOURS Tucson 520-327-0452
RUMRUNNER WINE & CHEESE Tucson 520-326-0121
TED'S COUNTRY STORE Tucson 520-325-3122
U OF A LIQOURS Tucson 520-623-1132
MAGEE ROAD LIQUORS Tucson 520-297-9113

NOTE: This list of retail accounts is to aid in finding this Stone Special Release soon after it's official release date. As time goes on, the brew will naturally sell out and thus many of the places will be out of stock.

If you are using this list as a reference more than two weeks after its posting, we suggest you get on the telephone to verify availability before getting in your car and driving all over town.

If you are using this list more than a month after its posting, then we suggest you sign up for the Stone email Newsletter so that next time you won't be so far behind in the curve! It is possible, sometimes, to find a hidden stash here or there... Good luck!