Stone Brewing to release 2002 edition of Stone Imperial Stout

San Marcos, CA --- May 6th is the highly anticipated release date for the Stone Imperial Stout 2002 edition. Stone Brewing is known for big, aggressive beers, but not necessarily for stouts. That is, unless you're a visitor to one of the popular online beer rating websites. Then you would know that Stone Imperial Stout is one of the highest rated beers in the country. Hell, number two in the world according to the most popular site (the number one beer is from Belgium). A pretty amazing accomplishment considering that the site has more than 66,000 ratings of over 13,300 beers!

"There's no question that Stone Imperial Stout is revered among enthusiasts," states Stone CEO Greg Koch. "I know, because I'm one of 'em and I can hardly wait for it to come out each year!"

Some may think that a late Spring release for a special brew of this sort is an odd time for it to come out onto the market. Koch justifies this with the rationalization "What better than a warm time of year to come out with a brew that tastes great as it warms up!"

That's because "ice cold" is certainly not the appropriate way to serve the beer. Nearly without exception, the darker, richer and more alcoholic a brew is, the warmer the serving temperature should be. The Stone Imperial Stout label describes the brew as being "intensely aromatic (notes of anise, black currants, coffee, roastiness and alcohol) and heavy on the palate...expect this mysterious brew to pour like used motor oil and taste even heavier! Serve at 55 degrees."

Also due to the brew's intense character, high alcohol level and bottle conditioning, it can be easily aged for at least a year. Koch suggests that collectors open a bottle from their cellars every six months or so to experience the various stages of the brew’s maturation over time. "The very best way to enjoy archives of the Stone Imperial Stout is to taste various years of the brew side by side." Of course, only the most serious collectors with the strongest will power are able to keep themselves from enjoying their archives before they even have a chance to age....

Stone Imperial Stout is available in 22oz bottles. A list of regions and retailers can be found at <List of Regions>. Draft will also be available at a handful of select pubs in limited areas.

For more info, contact Greg Koch, CEO
(760)471-4999 x102 or

Stone Brewing is located at [OLD ADDRESS REMOVED]. For more info,
go to or call the brewery at (760) 471-4999.