Initial Tasting Notes
June 21st, 2005

Lee Chase

Head Brewer

Black as night in a cave! Pours with noticeable viscosity. A small, milky-coffee colored head floats on top.
This is like Liquid Dark Chocolate… with a lot of alcohol! Big roasted malt characters give a delicious Dark Chocolate aroma, joined by a light coffee tone and a cool alcohol sensation.
Delicious Bitter Chocolate flavor from the roasted malts is right up-front, and releases tart cherry/plum fruitiness at the end.
Not so thick as the 10.8% ABV would lead you to expect! It IS soft, creamy, with some late dryness developing from the roasted malts. The alcohol is a bit warming, but doesn’t overpower the tremendous Imperial Stout flavors. This is a sipper that can develop over a couple of hours.